Follow the link above to check your voter registration status, find your polling location, and see a list of your districts.
You can register to vote and vote simultaneously at any of the early voting locations, or on election day November 5 in your home precinct.
You will need two forms of identification. One of those forms will need to have your current address. Follow the link above to learn about the forms of ID you can bring with you.
Early Voting begins at all ward sites on October 21, 2024.
To find a list of early voting locations, please follow the link above. Any Chicagoan can vote at any of the 50 sites.
The 35th Ward site is located at: Northeastern Il University El Centro, 3390 N. Avondale Ave.
Weekdays: 9:00am – 6:00pm
Saturday: 9:00am – 5:00pm
Sunday: 10:00am – 4:00pm
Election Day: 6:00am – 7:00pm (November 5)
Voters can request a vote by mail ballot until October 31, 2024, but we recommend allowing more time for your ballot to arrive.
The last day to return your vote by mail ballot to your elections authority is November 5, 2024. Ballots must be postmarked by November 5 to be valid in the election.
If you choose to vote in person, return your mail-in ballot at your voting site.
In the 2024 General Election, Chicagoans will be voting to directly elect members of the Chicago Board of Education for the first time ever. As a result of nearly a decade of organizing from teachers, parents, students, and activists, the Illinois Legislature in 2021 passed a law creating a pathway to a democratically elected school board. Prior to this, Chicago Public Schools was the only district in Illinois without an elected school board, with members appointed by the mayor. The new law sets the transition to a fully elected board, which will begin in phases. The first elections will take place this November, where we will elect 10 members of the Chicago Board of Education and the mayor will appoint 11 members including a Chair to create a 21-seat hybrid board. In 2026, all 21 members (including the Chair) will be directly elected by voters.
The majority of the 35th Ward belongs to District 3, where we’ve endorsed CPS alumni, former teacher, and parent Jason Dónes for School Board.

Jason Dónes
Jason Dónes is a former high school teacher who has spent the past 14 years working to improve learning outcomes for Black and Brown families. Grounded in his experience as a CPS student and fueled by his responsibility as a CPS parent, Jason will continue his life’s work by bringing representation to parents and working-class families on the Chicago Public School Board.
Jason was born and raised in Humboldt Park, where he’s now raising a family with his wife and two kids. Jason grew up going to Chicago Public Schools, and he’s now a CPS parent and chairs the local school council for Moos Elementary. He’s also a former teacher and has worked in education for over a decade, currently serving at a nonprofit supporting Black & Brown STEM educators.

Graciela Guzmán (challenger)
#Español abajo#
Graciela Guzmán has a lifetime of experience organizing to meet the needs of her family and community. Graciela Guzmán is a community organizer with over 10 years experience in legislative and policy work. She served as Chief of Staff for former Senator Dr. Cristina Pacione-Zayas until the Senator stepped down to serve as First Deputy in Brandon Johnson’s Mayoral administration. We are endorsing her because we know she has experience leading statewide coalitions, writing and passing policy, and providing excellent constituent services. Graciela is also active in her mutual aid community, responding both during the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and supporting asylum seekers who have been bused to Chicago over the past year.
She is the daughter of immigrants who fled the El Salvadorian civil war, and at an early age learned about our broken healthcare system when her grandfather died from cancer because he could not receive treatment due to lack of health insurance. Graciela understands the need for more welcoming immigration policies, affordable healthcare, affordable housing, and thriving neighborhood schools for everyone.
Graciela led a statewide coalition to provide medical coverage to seniors, regardless of immigration status. She served on the board of Chicago Women’s March advocating for reproductive rights. Graciela also served as the chief of staff to the former state senator, Christina Pacione-Zayas, and has received her endorsement to fill this seat.
As your next state senator, Graciela will support legislation to ensure housing stability and affordability so working families can continue to call the 20th district home. She will continue to bring people together to care for each other and to provide material assistance such as food and shelter to asylum seekers, families, and seniors.
Graciela is the only candidate recruited to run by local community organizations and who is endorsed by our most trusted local progressive elected leaders, like Congresswoman Delia Ramirez, Alderman Carlos Ramirez-Rosa, County Commissioner Anthony Quezada, and State Rep. Will Guzzardi.
UN35 supported Graciela in her candidacy for this same seat during the appointment process to fill the vacancy left by former Senator Cristina Paccione-Zayas. You can read our announcements by clicking here.
#En español#
Graciela Guzmán tiene toda una vida de experiencia organizando para satisfacer las necesidades de su familia y su comunidad.
Es hija de inmigrantes que huyeron de la guerra civil salvadoreña, y a temprana edad aprendió sobre nuestro deteriorado sistema de salud cuando su abuelo murió de cáncer porque no pudo recibir tratamiento debido a su falta de seguro de salud. Graciela entiende la necesidad de políticas de inmigración más hospitalarias, seguro de salud y asistencia médica asequible, viviendas asequibles, y escuelas prósperas para todos.
Graciela lideró una coalición a nivel estatal para proveer cobertura médica a las personas mayores, independientemente de su estatus migratorio. También participó en la junta directiva de la Marcha de las Mujeres de Chicago, donde abogó por los derechos reproductivos, y sirvió como jefa de personal para la última senadora estatal, Cristina Pacione-Zayas, quien la ha respaldado para llenar esta vacante.
Como su próxima senadora estatal, Graciela apoyará legislación para asegurar la estabilidad y asequibilidad de viviendas para que las familias trabajadoras puedan seguir llamando al distrito 20 su hogar. Ella continuará uniendo a la gente para que nos cuidemos los unos a los otros, y para proveer asistencia material, como comida y refugio, a solicitantes de asilo, familias, y personas mayores.
Graciela es la única candidata que fue reclutada para postularse por organizaciones comunitarias locales y que cuenta con el respaldo de nuestros líderes electos progresistas locales más confiables, como la congresista Delia Ramírez, el concejal Carlos Ramírez-Rosa, el comisionado del condado Anthony. Aprende más en: www.gracielafor20.com

Delia Ramirez (incumbent)
Since being elected to the US House of Representatives in 2022, Delia Ramirez has delivered on major campaign promises made to our organization by leading on the Dream Act, Medicare for All, Raise the Wage, and the PRO Act. She uses her voice as a national-level progressive to fight for equitable federal funding for our district, including for recent migrant arrivals and asylum seekers. Delia is a staunch ally to our other progressive elected officials on the Northwest side, giving her time and material support to help their election campaigns and support them while in office.
Desde que fue elegida para la Cámara de Representantes de EE. UU. en 2022, Delia Ramírez ha cumplido importantes promesas de campaña hechas a nuestra organización al liderar la Dream Act, Medicare para todos, Raise the Wage y la PRO Act. Ella utiliza su voz como progresista a nivel nacional para luchar por una financiación federal equitativa para nuestro distrito, incluso para los inmigrantes recién llegados y los solicitantes de asilo. Delia es una aliada incondicional de nuestros otros funcionarios electos progresistas en el lado noroeste, brindando su tiempo y apoyo material para ayudar en sus campañas electorales y apoyarlos mientras estén en el cargo.

Lilian Jiménez (incumbent)
Lilian Jiménez fights everyday for healthcare access, community safety, green jobs, and climate justice. In Springfield, she secured $5 million in state funds for the Here to Stay Community Land Trust in order to combat gentrification and create home ownership opportunities for long-time community members. In her first term in office, she has maintained a relationship with our organization in the effort to advance our shared progressive agenda.
Lilian Jiménez lucha todos los días por el acceso a la atención médica, la seguridad comunitaria, los empleos verdes y la justicia climática. En Springfield, obtuvo $5 millones en fondos estatales para Here to Stay Community Land Trust con el fin de combatir la gentrificación y crear oportunidades de propiedad de viviendas para los miembros de la comunidad desde hace mucho tiempo. En su primer mandato, ha mantenido una relación con nuestra organización en el esfuerzo por avanzar en nuestra agenda progresista compartida.

Will Guzzardi (incumbent)
Will Guzzardi has been a progressive voice in the state house for our community since 2015. He led the charge on raising the statewide minimum wage to $15, expanded access to affordable housing as Chair of the Housing Committee, and took on big pharma by lowering the cost of life saving drugs like insulin. More recently, he helped pass the Pretrial Fairness Act, ban the sale of assault weapons in Illinois, and strengthen reproductive rights in our state.
Will Guzzardi ha sido una voz progresista en la cámara estatal para nuestra comunidad desde 2015. Lideró la iniciativa para aumentar el salario mínimo estatal a $15, amplió el acceso a viviendas asequibles como presidente del Comité de Vivienda y se enfrentó a las grandes farmacéuticas al reducir el costo de medicamentos que salvan vidas como la insulina. Más recientemente, ayudó a aprobar la Ley de Equidad Previa al Juicio, prohibir la venta de armas de asalto en Illinois y fortalecer los derechos reproductivos en nuestro estado.

Precious Brady-Davis (incumbent)
Review Injustice Watch’s 2024 General Election Voter Guide:
Every two years, Cook County voters go to the polls to elect new judges and decide whether to retain sitting judges. This year, 75 circuit court judges and two appellate judges are running for reelection in Cook County. Voters will be asked whether each judge should be retained for another term.