Immigrant Rights & Deportation Defense Training

On Trump’s Inauguration Day, 150 volunteers braved the frigid temperature across the Northwest Side to pass out Know Your Rights palm cards to commuters and neighbors. A group of us also rode the train downtown to march with the Stop the Trump Agenda Rally in Federal Plaza.

The palm card above can be printed and passed out and includes translation in Spanish, Chinese, and Polish; and includes a phone number to call to report or inquire about any ICE activity in your neighborhood through ICIRR’s Family Support Hotline: 1-855-435-7693

We’re also sharing a link to the Chicago Immigration Defense Resources and Training Guide, which will be updated frequently and will remain linked in our newsletter’s signature: Below, we have created a section of our newsletter that has introductory information on Know Your Rights and ICE/Migra Watch.

This has been an overwhleming and confusing week for many of us. The Trump administration has come in with a plan to attack our communities for the benefit of the billionaire class and the tech company oligarchs. There is much work to be done, and much to learn together. We invite you to share this newsletter with your friends and neighbors, to gather news and resources from neighbors in the community. Anyone can sign up at